First off I love to design and build in second life its fun and very little stress as well I get some items that come out very cool and interesting. It also allows me to develop my creativity and show others things I have learned. I am a male so I am not really a fashion nut nor am I into clothing in a way that is unusual and or extreme ... But I do like and enjoy using my creativity to make new things and I as well have a large and extreme knowledge of the 3d programs needed to create items for a second life store whether its clothing for male or female, accessories like shoes, hats, scarves, pipes which I did create and have in the store and also other things like animations .. So what is Bigbear Design and what do we do ? Well I create many different items and will not be roped into one category as well just into a single virtual world. I also will create custom full perm items for sale that allow the buyers to create and resell, and for that matter I also build items outside of Second Life and Bigbear Design. We have our Facebook Page that is at the below address
I as well have a different blog that is about what is needed and the art and skills and the tools for mesh design and building in second life.
I also have a fashion blog where I write about fashions and as modeling, photography and style in second life in form and as a female avatar. She is what we would call Meta Sexual
and well I also will be adding a page for Bigbear design on G+ as well as Linked In also. This blog I will be adding pictures and item releases from Elliana Inkpen and Badabong Bigbear with more here then on Facebook as I feel that and over zealous post of sale items released to our facebook crowd can sometimes turn them off as they also use Facebook for social activity as you will see in the continuation below I was bitched out and told no more friends for you from one person in my friends list. This though happens and in no way will I change for one person that got mad probably at someone else and redirected at me .... on facebook ...
So welcome to our Bigbear Design Store Blog, we will be posting our newest designs from clothing and second life fashions to second life pets, second life breedables, Armor, second life weapons, second life animations, second life poses and all other merchandise from Bigbear Design.
I want to thank everyone for the likes on our Facebook Page loccated at Bigbear Design on Second Lifes Tegueste Sim. I did invite many members from my art groups, but have to let you know that even when the objects created in second life are artistic in nature after that invite I will not keep sending info for other groups such as this page ... unless you show and interest. To create a texture such as a female or male skin that is good looking and does not show seams, has realistic and good clean facial hair , make up, shading etc ... is and art in itself ... People get over zealous posting just plain pictures at times from second life ... but some are actually creating the whole scene with not even close to the abilities that are available in the average render engine. so some of it takes at least the eye of the artist, I say this in reply to the fact I had a friends list member that I honestly do not remember ever talking to or even inviting to friend me , throw a tantrum about me inviting my friends list to like my page. Yeah I post some of these in my friends list though the artists that do work in the game industry look at second life as a wannabe or well a amateur pass time ... Which since the mesh was introduced is just so very untrue. The quality and details may not cut a game freaks standards, but the same exact principles, tools and ideas go into the builds and designs . I have met a few talented game designers that also have a few stores that are huge here in second life. I have a blog that I am dedicating to my design here , I have two marketplace stores, and in world store and a work shop to assemble and build in. I will also start doing live demos of mesh sculpting this week and hopefully I can be teaching a class at one of the online universities this next month on the use of blender, 3ds max and zbrush in second life and other 3d virtual vrml worlds. Seeing all the skills needed and most of them skills that 3d generalists all have then well there is art involved ... and well setting up a 3 point lighting system is basic in rendering and photography then there is a definite need of artistic talent and knowledge. I will be posting both designs and ideas that will be both Female and Male based for anything from clothing to items that are used and related to everyday. If you have ideas, suggestions and or requests please speak fourth. There is no Guarantee I will make it but there is a good chance I can and will. I am fluent in Modeling, Sculpting, Animation, Texturing, and even have some experience with machinma .... Plus with scripting I am probably able to figure most things out and even rewrite, as well I have a decent understanding of particles , how to build a particle system for most items as well adjust edit texture etc ... So thanks to all that liked my page if you have a friend in virtual worlds of any nature feel free to share my pages with them. If you are here from second life looking for a designer or something specific ... simply message me here or leave a post. Also in world often I get so many IM's they get capped ... so catch me while online or message me here as well. If you are a friend I have known most my life showing support well ... venture into and visit me virtually we will go skydiving or fly a plane or go for a shred session on a sim board ...
Second Life is free, its a great simulator that can give and idea what you could do with a virtual world for a business, a teaching or tutoring type of circumstance or even as a social media expansion. Though remember it is and adult world, there are predators, morons and just plain creepy people that inhabit it as well there may be a few dangerous folks just as there are facebook stalkers. This being told it is not a place for children or even young underage teenage adults. There is a lot of anonymity here that make people act out and do things that they would not normally do in society. Thus it could be easy for younger trusting individuals to be drawn into a bad circumstance and I write all of this here as a precursor to let you get a better idea of what is inside the virtual tele-portation ... before you get to the other side where you are never 30 or any older then say 25 ... Till then have a great Holiday Season and if you look me up in second life I will gift you something cool too ! Either Badabong Bigbear or if I am doing work on her store Elliana Inkpen ! Just as a bonus I will give you a sneak peek at a part of the next clothing I am working on in mesh ... Its just the template so far but you can see the direction that clothing will be going ... I will also start posting upcoming work in our store and well will also be hosting live design sessions where you can watch as we design our clothing and much more so you can have input and as well can see the whole process ... This is just a quick look at a template though that is not yet textured or rigged for avatars yet it will be 100 % mesh and again these are templates I created last night, still untextured though I have imported them ... today I will skin and texture it and come up with a few more designs.